A Man Called Ove

The Skyline book club will be discussing “A Man Called Ove” in its February 12th gathering. All, of course, are welcome whether you’ve read the book or not.

How can a book about an old Swedish curmudgeon, the death of a spouse, grieving, fights with neighbors and a such characters as a pregnant Iranian woman, an obese boy, a gay boy in crisis and an obsession with automobiles wind up being, of all things, a comedy! The story has themes of hardship and friendship combating grief in which a kind heart becomes gradually revealed. I found that the movie follows the book quite closely – both are worth seeing/reading. The movie is available on Amazon Prime.

Apparently this top-selling movie has done so well that Tom Hanks is starring in a remake English language version. I love Hanks, but can’t imagine how he can improve on the original (other than speaking English instead of Swedish).

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1 Response to A Man Called Ove

  1. Diane Stevens says:

    Dear Jim and Lourdes,
    I agree with your review completely. Sorry you won’t be here to join our discussion group. Hope all is well and warm regards to you both.

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