Epigenetics 101: a beginner’s guide to explaining everything

The DNA double helix wrapped around four histone proteins, in a structure called a nucleosome.

After the discovery and sequencing of DNA, many had a sense of fatalism thinking that our behaviors are pre-programmed from our ancestors. But it turns out that some genes can be modified by the attachment of small molecules such as methyl groups which act like an off/on switch – giving variable expression of that particular gene. What’s amazing that during our lifetimes, we can have experiences which alter these switches – and these can then be passed down through several generations. To me it seems to explain a path to the expression of free will – and how we have the ability to effect changes to our very being. On the downside there are the damaging effects of trauma or abuse – the side effects of which can also be passed down generations. It also explains why identical twins are not identical. Slowly, we’re beginning to get a molecular glimmer of ourselves. But it is only a glimmer which will lead us to an overlapping intersection of science, philosophy, psychiatry, sociology and religion.

For a nice article on this fascinating field – click here.

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