“Healing After Loss: Daily Meditations For Working Through Grief”

Steve Whitmore’s sister is an author of a number of books. This one is highly recommended for those suffering a loss:

Here’s one of the many positive comments on the book: “Out of all of the grief recovery books I have turned to after the unexpected and sudden death of my beloved husband, this one is the best. It has chronological entries w/ dates of the year, but at this point I am still just opening it randomly and reading whatever entry I have opened to (& it does not have to be read in order). This book does not “fix” anything. But more often than not, I have felt at least somewhat comforted by the realization, when reading it, that I am not alone in the feelings I am experiencing. At times, I have also come away with a slightly different perspective about those feelings. There are quotations from many different sources, explanations & elaborations, and takeaway thoughts on each page. This is a time when it is almost impossible to read entire chapters–but it is possible to read and digest the single-page entries in this book. This book is not at all preachy & does not give superficial answers. But as someone almost paralyzed by mind-boggling, unrelenting, nearly unbearable grief, I can tell you that it is a worthwhile book to have and to turn to in the midst of your pain.”

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