How to avoid being hacked like the DNC

What a difference a few key strokes can make on your computer. Here’s a few suggestions that should be learned from the recent attacks by a Russians:

  • If you get an email with a “link” to click on – don’t
    • Unless you are really sure that it comes from a reliable source. Many computers are infected by viruses or malware this way.
  • If you get an email from your credit card company, bank, email provider, etc. that tells you that you need to update your password and gives you a link to click on – don’t
    • Instead you should call them to verify the email, or go to the provider site and change your password if advised there. If the site address is “https” instead of “http” it is likely more secure.
    • Unfortunately the DNC had internal miscommunications and didn’t follow the above. So it allowed the Russians to release confidential emails via Wikileaks.
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