Legislation to improve access to the Death with Dignity act

Thanks to Barb W.

From End of Life Washington: WE DID IT! The State House of Representatives passed ESSB 5179, our bill to improve access to the Death with Dignity Act, with a vote of 53-43. With this vote, critical improvements to the law are on their way to Governor Jay Inslee’s desk for his signature.    These significant changes to the law remove unnecessary barriers to access for terminally ill Washingtonians.

With the passing of this bill, we have more than doubled the number of medical practitioners who can engage in medical aid-in-dying. We have helped the 20% of our clients who would have died before the end of the longer waiting period. We have saved hours of driving and delay for people living in areas not close to a compounding pharmacy.  

Our legislative champions, Representative Skyler Rude, Senator Jamie Pedersen and Senator Curtis King, really helped us get this bill over the finish line. You can click the button below to send them a thank you for their hard work on behalf of terminally ill residents of our state.
Thank the Champions
THANK YOU for everything you did this legislative session to ensure every Washingtonian is empowered to choose end-of-life care that reflects their values, priorities and beliefs.
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