Local Aging Services: Comment Now on Priorities

Ed note: Please take the survey and consider mentioning the needed skybridge to connect our towers. Click on the link in the bottom paragraph.

Every four years, ADS and more than 600 other Area Agencies on Aging throughout the United States develop an Area Plan that charts the course each agency will follow to address emerging needs, while also working to create age-friendly communities. The Area Plan describes the function of ADS, presents relevant demographic trends for King County, and outlines major goals and objectives for addressing trends, issues, and needs. To support development of the Area Plan for 2024–2027, ADS is examining changing trends impacting older adults and people with disabilities, and inviting community input on goals and objectives.

“We listen and we form strong bonds with the community,” said ADS Director Mary Mitchell. “We have a very strong interest in racial equity. People of color should not experience disparities. To that end, we particularly want to hear from older people, adults with disabilities, and caregivers in BIPOC communities.”

ADS has posted a 2023 Community Engagement Survey online at bit.ly/40HJDv6. The deadline for completion is Friday, April 21.

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