“News” of WACCRA

April 1, 2019

WACCRA has disbanded and has notified Leading Age that it has cancelled its legislative attempts to enhance financial transparency. An insider reports that WACCRA leadership finally came to its senses. “We are too old to figure this stuff out,” said one WACCRA executive. “Transforming Age (TA) executives have stated that residents in their facilities are uniformly happy, so why should we bother with things like financial protections. It’s all so confusing! TA people are smart and they always have our best interest at heart. I’m positive that our life savings will be well managed by them. We really don’t need to see the details.”

TA officials were ecstatic and have immediately leveraged resident entry fees for further expansion to become a national player in the CCRC industry. They acknowledge that the resident “gray heads” should just enjoy their retirement and leave everything else up to them.

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5 Responses to “News” of WACCRA

  1. Diane Stevens says:

    I panicked for a second then realized this is all tongue in cheek. Phew. If anything we are engaged, intelligent and pro active and not naive……

    WACCRA is here to stay !

  2. Thank goodness today is the first of April!!

  3. L.D. says:

    You really should have made the DATE stand out for this post.

  4. Sylvia Peterson says:

    Thanks for the “news”. It’s April and WACCRA kondos its very self!! We residents and residents-to-be can relive the joy of keeping our noses clean. After all, we buy the promise of “continuing care” with hopes that our former real-life concerns will be just so much clutter. At the rate WACCRA was going, the independent residents would be defending those who have continued on with medical and memory needs too. And those pesky religious discrimination issues CCRCs swept away? Nah! Here’s to joy! Or??
    Thanks, Jim! We needed that.

  5. Diana caplow says:

    Having come in to town a few hours ago, I’ll blame my initial surprise and panic on being tired. An excellent April Fool joke.
    Diana Caplow

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