Opiod addiction event

OpioidAddictionEvent_flyer_final – click the link to view

From a concerned Capitol Hill resident – : “My motivation to help create this event began last summer when a number of men and women were coming into my back yard to shoot up.  My family no longer felt safe in our home and we briefly considered moving from Capitol Hill.  I hired a company to put up a fence, which solved our back-yard problem.  Our personal solution, however, did nothing for the men and women suffering from addiction.  Prior to my back-yard problem, I used to walk by those suffering from opioid addiction every day.  I didn’t really think much about it, just walked by.  Now, just walking by doesn’t feel right.        

The attached poster is a summary of the event meant for community education (event is free) and to give community members the ability to ask questions of a panel of experts about this tragic problem. Caleb Banta Green, a nationally renowned opioid addiction expert from the UW, will give a presentation and answer questions.  Also included in the panel of experts is Jerry Mitchell, someone I met on Broadway a few weeks ago.  Jerry directly communicates with those suffering from the effects of opioid addiction several mornings each week in Capitol Hill and other parts of the City.  Jerry’s goal is to try to get those he meets to enter treatment and to let them know that he loves and cares for them.  Jerry is in recovery himself and lived on the streets for a number of years and is willing to share his story. 

The Summit Building at 420 E. Pike Street (Pike and Summit) has been secured for the event.  The day and time are May 20th from 3:00 – 5:00 PM.  Please contact me at (206) 296-9610 or reply to this email if you have any questions.  Also, please provide the attached flyer to anyone that would want to know more about this epidemic that is impacting our neighborhood, city and country.  All are welcome!  Thanks! “

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