Should You Hug Your Dog?

Here’s one to howl about. I don’t think the dog psychologist speaks for me or many others in this NYT piece: “The next time you want to hug a dog, consider this: You could be making the pooch miserable, an expert says.

“To the average dog lover, the animals’ floppy ears and pudgy paws are simply cute. But there is actual science behind their design: They are cursorial animals, which means that they have adapted to run as their first line of defense, said Stanley Coren, a psychology professor emeritus at the University of British Columbia and a dog-training expert.

“So when a human, however well-meaning or needy, moves in for a full-body embrace, it immobilizes the dog and increases the animal’s stress level, he wrote in a Psychology Today blog post this month.

“Dr. Coren’s recommendation? “Save your hugs for your two-footed family members and lovers. It is clearly better from the dog’s point of view if you express your fondness for your pet with a pat, a kind word and maybe a treat.”

Note: It would seem that different dog breeds would react differently to hugs. But the pets we chose to love often want, indeed beg for, hugs!

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