The Marcos dynasty in the Philippines – at the Rep

Marcos at the repWhen I think about Imelda, I think about the shoes and laugh. But the corruption, cruelty, and dysfunctional history not only live on, but could repeat itself. A review by a local Filipina in Crosscut gives a positive review of Here Lies Love  at Seattle’s Repertory Theater: “It is my hope that those who come to see Here Lies Love will be interested in finding out more about the true nature of the Marcos dictatorship and the more than 30,000 people who were killed, tortured and falsely imprisoned during the Marcoses’ 20-year rule.  Some say the play doesn’t go far enough or that we Filipinos need to write our own stories.  Both are true but in the meantime, Here Lies Loves opens the door in a very populist way to a history that most do not remember or know about.” Click here for the full article.

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